The Table Shows how Many International Students Study in Canada and The United States by Country of Origin (4)

The Table Shows how Many International Students Study in Canada and The United States by Country of Origin

The Table shows how many international students study in Canada and the united states by country of origin. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The Table shows how many international students study in Canada and the united states by country of origin.

The chart illustrates the number of students who moved to study abroad from their origin country to Canada and the United States in a period of two years.

In general, it shows that more pupils migration ratio toward Canada than in the United States. In Canada, the maximum number of students come from China and the least from the USA. The total ratio of migration is toward Canada to get an education. In the USA, more pupils are migrated, but the ratio of change over the year is lower; more migration is from Canada but declines in India.

An adequate discussing chart shows that in Canada mostly, students’ migration ratio increased by about 17% from the period of 2002 to 2003 to get a better education. In China, travel to Canada is increasing by about 45%, having great change Indian and the USA show the increase of 35% and 9% respectively. The total increase in the education system in one year is 17%.

In the USA, the migration rate throughout the year is much larger is 581600 in 2002 and increased to 592230 in 2003, but a change in admission rate is very low is 2%. Only 7% and 6% of Canadians and Chinese migrate to the USA, respectively. But the migration of Indian students is 9% decline over the year from 20000 to 182000.

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