The Diagram Below Shows the Life Cycle of A Salmon, from Egg to Adult Fish (3) (1)

The Diagram Below Shows the Life Cycle of A Salmon, from Egg to Adult Fish

The diagram below shows the life cycle of a salmon, from egg to adult fish. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant.

The diagram below shows the life cycle of a salmon, from egg to adult fish

The diagram depicts the stages the salmon fish has to pass through, from fertilization to full-grown fish. Overall, it is seen that the cycle has about seven stages occurring in three different compartments, fertilization occurs in the river while initial growth and development happen in the estuary, and further maturities takes place in the ocean.

First, adult male and female fish migrate from ocean to river area where spawning occurs and subsequent release of an egg for incubation, furthermore the fingerling emerge and proceed to the freshwater area, in the estuary, which is the second area that is usually conducive for the sea creature to gain nutrients necessary for its further growth. Hence, the fish stay there for some time and grow before it moves down to the ocean.

In the ocean, the small salmon fish reaching its rearing area will further grow and mature into full-grown adult fish, ready for the next cycle to begin when they swim up to the spawning region.

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