Describe Something You Do to Stay Healthy

Describe Something You Do to Stay Healthy

Describe something you do to stay healthy during Lockdown without gym and exercise
You should say:
what it is
how often you do it
how you do it (or, how easy or difficult it is to do) and
explain how it helps to keep you fit.

Being a fitness freak person, I must say I had not a single day when I miss my exercise Or when I didn’t devote myself to remaining healthy. The Covid pandemic situation or lockdown situation is complicated for fitness lovers since everything was open for some time. Still, gyms and exercise centres were totally closed, and you know very well at home it is challenging to perform some level of exercise that we used to perform in centres in gyms so during the lockdown.

I was very unusual for the exercise whenever I got I got time, I performed that but apart from exercise and gym during the lockdown. I had another way to remain fit on Instagram. I followed a page which is owned by Vidyut jam was. One of the Indian celebrity was a fitness freak celebrity also. He’s very famous for his physique and his end his body and unions during the lockdown.

He started a YouTube page in which he uploaded videos of diet and some special foods that help to remain fit without performing any exercise like I was like during the initial period of lockdown I was scrolling on the Internet. I came to know about this YouTube channel, then I subscribe to that and checked out that initially; it was tough for me to follow all instructions since he came up every time with unique ingredients that I never heard even. Still, I arranged all the ingredients by making contact with the vendor.

I made online payments, and he delivered all the ingredients that I need in this way initially. It was difficult for me, and the taste was also very terrible in starting. Still, day by day, as much as I indulged in this, I get a sense of accomplishment like are reduced my weight from 92 kg’s to 70 kgs that were the biggest achievement for me till now in this way I was with him and whenever he uploaded any video I definitely watched that and rode at my home not even not only me I also indulged my family in this task so that they could remain healthy in the in this. The achievement I would like to devote my thanks to Mr video jumble, who’s

Part 3 Follow-Ups Describe Something You Do to Stay Healthy

Question 1. What do older adults in your country do to keep healthy?

in an overpopulated country such as India, most of the older people are totally unfit they are in the web of many health problems health issues however as much I notice in my locality people especially older people like to go for jogging in the early morning and in the afternoon they like to spend some time in the garden with their friends while having the breath of fresh air moreover during rest of the day they follow the diet plans and avoid oily foods sugar.

Question 2. What kinds of sports are popular in India?

India is a diverse country, and we can see every sport, either national or international, in India. Still, in case if we want to select few games, then cricket and kabaddi are the most popular games like football cricket. Hockey plays most in India because these games are playing nowadays at the international level, and there is much scope compared to other games.

Question 3. Do you think young people should play dangerous sports?

look, there is danger in every game like if you talk about cricket once in the news, I heard that one player was dead on the field while defending the ball, so I can’t say every game is any game is safe at all, but I must see if anyone want to play dangerous games they need to have proper precautionary measures before playing like sophisticated types of equipment and proper defending pieces of equipment in my personal opinion people should avoid dangerous games in which they can’t afford protective gears.

Question 4. What else can people do to keep fit besides sports?

Apart from sports there are many activities play Thora of activities in which people can indulge in order to make them as much as the feed they can such as gym aerobics running and many moreover to remain fit people can adopt dietary plans avoid eating oily foods and perform the light exercise at their home this could also be enough to remain fit.

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About Manpreet Singh 564 Articles
Heyyy.... I am Manpreet an accomplished IELTS instructor with a comprehensive background in English language teaching. I completed my studies in English Language and Literature from the University of DAV College.Over the past eight years, I have dedicated myself to teaching IELTS to students from various cultural and educational backgrounds, focusing on enhancing their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. I you want to achieve your dream IELTS score is the best destination.

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