The Bar Chart Below Shows Scotland’s Exports to The Rest of The Uk and The Rest of The World for The Year 2014 (2)

The Bar Chart Below Shows Scotland’s Exports to The Rest of The Uk and The Rest of The World for The Year 2014

The bar chart below shows Scotland’s exports to the rest of the UK and the rest of the world for the year 2014. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant.

The bar chart below shows Scotland’s exports to the rest of the UK and the rest of the world for the year 2014

The statistics on the bar chart reveal Scotland’s exports to the rest of the UK and the rest of the world in 2014.

Business Services and Finances, Hotels and Restaurants services came first with $13.8 Billion among the services delivered to the rest of the world. Meanwhile, the exportation of these services to the rest of the UK was much less, only $1.7 billion.

Among shipped items to the international trade, chemical and Mineral products take the majority of share by $9.5 billion. However, almost all of these goods were distributed through internal trade.

The next section which contributes more to export to the rest of the world were Wholesale and retail. The part was $8.2 billion, Although the contribution for other parts of the UK dropped substantially to $1 billion.

Other manufacturing had been the other major sector which was exported from Scotland to the rest of the world, with a capital of $5.9 billion, but the contribution for internal trade was very low, almost equivalent to wholesale and retail.

Manufacturing of food and Drink had exported at a similar rate to that of other manufacturers with $5.8 billion, in contrast to other sectors these services had a significant share in the rest of the UK, about $4.4 Billion worth of product was on the trade.

Interestingly, metals, Mechanical and transport equipment had shown no major change regarding distribution for international trade and to use within the UK, at $ 2.7 billion and $2.1 billion respectively.

It was witnessed that Electrical and Instrument Engineering products were sold more to the UK market than the rest of the world, with amounts of $4 billion and $2.7 respectively.

On the bottom list of exported items, there are Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and mining, which is about $2.4 billion, and this figure is slightly less than the revenue gained from the export of other services to the rest of the world. A glance at the share of these services for other parts of the UK remains lowest with amounts of $0.6 billion and $0.9 billion respectively.

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About Manpreet Singh 564 Articles
Heyyy.... I am Manpreet an accomplished IELTS instructor with a comprehensive background in English language teaching. I completed my studies in English Language and Literature from the University of DAV College.Over the past eight years, I have dedicated myself to teaching IELTS to students from various cultural and educational backgrounds, focusing on enhancing their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. I you want to achieve your dream IELTS score is the best destination.

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