Some People Believe that It Is the Responsibility of Individuals to Take Care of Their Own Health and Diet

Some People Believe that It Is the Responsibility of Individuals to Take Care of Their Own Health and Diet

Some people believe that it is the responsibility of individuals to take care of their own health and diet. Others, however, believe that governments should make sure that their citizens have a healthy diet. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Good health is important for each and every individual to lead a better life. Some people believe that every individual should take care of their health and diet on their own. At the same time, others believe that it is the responsibility of the government to make sure that their citizens have a healthy diet. In my opinion, it is obviously the responsibility of an individual to take care of their own health because the government can only give rules and regulations about a healthy diet but cannot watch and monitor every people in the country.

The intention of a healthy diet should come from one’s heart and mind and not by compulsion. In a world where there are different varieties of food, there are people who prefer taste over their diet. There are some people who cannot control their food intake. In this busy world where a lot of people are working, some are not getting time for proper exercise.

But still, there are some people who can control their carbs intake and also exercise even in their busy schedules. In India, there are some people who eat rice all three times, and they do not exercise. This will eventually increase carbohydrates in their body. In the same country, there are some people who eat only one bowl of rice and also exercise.

Even if the government brings a rule to monitor the people, there are some people who cannot control their food intake. So I think a healthy diet depends upon a person’s interest and determination to live a healthy life.

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About Manpreet Singh 564 Articles
Heyyy.... I am Manpreet an accomplished IELTS instructor with a comprehensive background in English language teaching. I completed my studies in English Language and Literature from the University of DAV College.Over the past eight years, I have dedicated myself to teaching IELTS to students from various cultural and educational backgrounds, focusing on enhancing their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. I you want to achieve your dream IELTS score is the best destination.

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