Describe a Museum that You Have Visited (1)

Describe a Museum that You Have Visited

Describe a museum that you have visited. You should say:

  • when you visited the museum
  • describe the museum
  • how do you feel after going there
  • and describe your experience of the visit.

Sample Answer of Describe a Museum that You Have Visited

I will like to talk about le life museum in Ogun state. During one of the excursions I went with my schoolmates in Secondary school, we were opportune to travel toile life, among the places we visited was their museum located at the centre of the town near their oba’s palace. It is an ancient building that has about three sections, and each one has a story to tell; the first room has a lot of artefacts, olden cooking wares and clothing, in fact mostly household items that were used between ten to twenty decades ago, another room has paintings that portray the means of the people livelihood, also drawing of what slave trade looked like, I also saw the chains used in slave trading, then the third room has historical books. I was overwhelmed with what I saw and the explanation given by the museum guide; I never wanted the tour to end. When I got to the hotel we were staying at, I reflected on what I saw and heard and imagined what life was like. Then, I came to appreciate the impact of recent developments. My experience is one I can’t forget and wish to visit there again if I’m given the opportunity.

Follow-ups of Describe a Museum that You Have Visited

Question 1:- How often do you visit museums?

Answer:- Rarely, the file life is the only one I have visited, although there a lot across the country and my friends have explored most of them, and I’m hoping to do so soon.

Question 2:- What type of museum is popular in your country?

Answer:- The file is famous, but I don’t know if it’s among others because there are other ones like the one in Calabar, Enugu and Abuja, and people do go there. They are well known too.

Question 3:- What do you think of the importance of museums in history?

Answer:- Firstly, museum act as tourist attraction that shows the world what a particular city has or what it was like; secondly, it safeguards the people’s heritage and helps to trace the origin of those people. The generation to come depends on it to know their culture and traditions since most of them are vanishing.

Question 4:- How do you think of the heritage of a country?

Answer:- It should be protected, and as I mentioned earlier, it helps define ones origin, culture and traditions; without it, things may go wrong; for instance, the file life museum had a portrait of oduduwa, which they claimed is their origin, if it’s not being kept safe people would not be able to understand their belief.

Question 5:- Compare museums nowadays and in the past.

Answer:- I’ll talk more about museums nowadays since I don’t know what the old ones look like. Recent museums now have modern technology that helped preserve items; the tourist’s guide is knowledgeable in a variety of areas not only in the place is overseeing, unlike the ancient museum I read in a book that has dilapidated structures and sculptures.

Question 6:- Have you ever been to a foreign museum?

Answer:- I do travel a lot, but I have never been to a museum aside from my country, but I’ve read about the one in Accra Ghana and the one in Cape town, South Africa, those ones are mind-blowing from the way the author described them if I have the opportunity I will love to explore them.

Question 7:- What are the tourist attractions in your city?

Answer:- We have a lot of fascinating places to visit like Ubud Hill, lokoja the confluence town, ogbunike caves, olumo Rock, river Niger Bridge even Onitsha Market is a sight to behold.

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About Manpreet Singh 564 Articles
Heyyy.... I am Manpreet an accomplished IELTS instructor with a comprehensive background in English language teaching. I completed my studies in English Language and Literature from the University of DAV College.Over the past eight years, I have dedicated myself to teaching IELTS to students from various cultural and educational backgrounds, focusing on enhancing their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. I you want to achieve your dream IELTS score is the best destination.

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