There Is a Public Event Coming up in Your Town

There Is a Public Event Coming up in Your Town

There is a public event coming up in your town. Write a letter to your friend who you think would be interested in taking part in it. In your letter, you should: describe the event, say why you think he/she would be interested, suggest an arrangement to meet there with him/her.

Dear ABC,

Hello. How are you doing ?? It’s been a long since you came back to the city, we had a great time when you visited me on my birthday last year. How is your social work going during the pandemic? I’m writing this letter to invite you to the Covid-19 free vaccination camp that is being organized In my area of residence.

Previously three camps were organized, and each camp vaccinated 120-150 people. I was so happy to know that people are getting aware and are taking advantage of the organised camps. The camps are located at different government schools, religious centres and huge halls where proper distance can be maintained. The camp I told you about is from May 04 -May 05, 2021, and is from 10 AM onwards. Individuals will be receiving the certificate for their vaccination done and will be advised to keep a required distance and use double masks as a precautionary measure.

Being a social activist must be interested in being present at the location and motivating more people to get vaccinated. We know people are still afraid of getting the vaccine. I think your network of chains will get the masses to think and come forward. You can do live streaming using your social media, which could prove an awakening alarm for people watching. You can further make contacts and set up free vaccination camps for the population in remote areas.

I will be pleased to have you at the event. Come a day before if you can, we will catch up. I will be looking forward to seeing you at the Free covid-19 vaccination camp. Give my warm greetings to everyone in the house. Stay safe

Kind Regards


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About Pardeep Singh 213 Articles
I am Pardeep,With over a decade of experience under my belt, I've sculpted a niche in the IELTS realm, guiding a myriad of students across the globe to achieve their dream My teaching approach transcends conventional boundaries by incorporating the latest technology, interactive sessions and individualized strategies that are geared towards the various ways of learning that my students.

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