The Line Graph Shows the Past and Projected Finances for A Local Authority in New Zealand (2)

The Line Graph Shows the Past and Projected Finances for A Local Authority in New Zealand

The line graph shows the past and projected finances for a local authority in New Zealand. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant.

The line graph shows the past and projected finances for a local authority in New Zealand

The given line graph depicts the information about the administration of New Zealand finances in four categories as Rates revenue, User charges, Borrowings and Grants and subsidies of past and future. The data is calibrated in millions.

To begin with, grants and subsidies, in 2012, were least sales were around 400 million dollars. Whilst, it was slightly increased till 2016 and reached an 800millions. Whereas, it was sharply dropped till the end about 500millions. Moving towards the borrowings, in 2012, the government of New Zealand sold around 900 million in borrowings.

Moreover, it dramatically surged till 2014 at 1100 million. Furthermore, it declined from 2014 to 2016 and reached 600 million. After 2016, it had been fluctuated till 2022 and stop at 800 million. With regard to the Rates of revenue and User charges, they followed the same pattern. In 2012, it had been 1400 and 1000 million respectively. They had been drastically increased till 2022 and reached less than 2500 million and 2000 million respectively.

To sum up, it can be clearly seen from the graph that only Rates revenue and user charges had been increased throughout the year.

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