The Gap Between the Rich and The Poor Is Becoming Wider; the Rich Are Becoming Richer (1)

The Gap Between the Rich and The Poor Is Becoming Wider; the Rich Are Becoming Richer

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor are getting even poorer. What problems can the situation cause? What can be done to reduce this gap? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.

These days, irrefutable that the difference between affluents and destitute citizens are rapidly increasing. This leads to negative development and adverse effect on the country economy. Firstly, this essay will discuss problems and secondly will elucidate how can get rid of these gaps.

To begin with, on the one hand, lack of education among youngers due to the poor financial condition of their parents. To explain it, poor parents do
work hard for their survival, so they are unable to save sufficient funds for their kid’s education; however, it has been observed by the childcare system that low paid children are brilliant in terms of intellectual skills as they saw fieldwork. In addition to this, they are curious to know about any product or books, but poverty does not allow them. For example, If poor teenagers are failed to achieve a good education, then they are easily gullible and start enjoying themselves with the wrong friend circle. As a result, they can be admitted to crime or drug-addicted too, and public health in the country would have deteriorated.

On the other hand, Government has to be taken prudent decisions on the gap between rich and poor. To elaborate, Equal rights has been given by authority
to citizens so that they can fight against financial conditions. Moreover, Employment options need to be increased for poor people so that children can avail studies benefits. In addition to this, higher law has needed to provide free education to poor students. Because if we have educated youth, then only our country can face a poverty crisis. For instance, during covid-19 in 2020, many of the labourers have been going to their native place as all operations had shut down; moreover, citizens did not have food for their livelihood. Furthermore, numerous relatives and friends died due to the Transmitted virus. Hence, reacting to it, unionized educated people prepared fixed timing to serve the meal to those people with proper covid guidelines. As a result, knowledge is the power, so their ability to stand in difficult times with strangers also with their brave skills.

In conclusion, based on the country’s wealth and population, strong actions to be taken by law in terms of education & employment. Learning should be
provided free of cost on certain grades so that poor citizens can promote themself in positive development irrespective of their wealth condition.

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About Manpreet Singh 564 Articles
Heyyy.... I am Manpreet an accomplished IELTS instructor with a comprehensive background in English language teaching. I completed my studies in English Language and Literature from the University of DAV College.Over the past eight years, I have dedicated myself to teaching IELTS to students from various cultural and educational backgrounds, focusing on enhancing their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. I you want to achieve your dream IELTS score is the best destination.

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