Talk about a leisure activity near or in the sea that you want to try (2) (1)

Talk about a leisure activity near or in the sea that you want to try

Talk about a leisure activity near or in the sea that you want to try

  • What activity it is,
  • How you should prepare for the activity,
  • Why do you want to try it

Sample Answer of Talk about a leisure activity near or in the sea that you want to try

There are many activities that have taken place in the sea show here. I would like to talk about an activity that I want to try that is Subah diving Subah timing is popular nowadays in youngsters because it is an adventurous activity with his in the sea and also helps to fascinated to see the sea creatures diverse varieties of creatures and also learn how it looks like taken before this activity for the preparation.

I want to try this activity in see because I am a huge formed of fishing and sea creature and I also want to see see the creatures directly, so I am excited to see that all creatures apart from that fishing are my all-time favourite activities near the sea with helping me to calm and quiet to sit in a peaceful mind and the waiting time is too hard for me, but sometimes I don’t get any fishes, and I get sad sometimes I get many fishes within a small-time.

So that I miss my happiest moment I was over the moon when I got many fishes within the small-time there is also some patients for fishing we should take necessary tools for catching the fish stick and also the food for the fish is essential to catch the fish and apart from that peaceful mind easy key factor in becoming a good Fisher.

Follow-ups of Talk about a leisure activity near or in the sea that you want to try

Question 1:- What kind of people like rest near the sea?

The people who are staying near the sea is a fisherman it is very easy to stay near the sea for their job to travel into the sea and collect fishes so in my opinion that fisherman and the person who is connected with the sea mostly stay in the sea near the sea.

Question 2:- What kinds of people rely on the sea?

What other activities can people do in and near the sea? There are plenty of activities that happen in the sea shows, and it is a public place with lots of people who are gathered together and to see the sunset apart from that there are many activities like Subah diving and boating and riding on the bike and car, this is the one of the most popular activity happening in near the sea show.

Question 3:- What is the difference between young and older adults’ activities near or in the sea?

To be frank, youngsters always do headband activities like Zumba diving and water diving extra so but in the case of old people they are like two a calm atmosphere and see the wave off the see and watch the activities are happening in these shows and the main attraction of old people are sunset allowed to watch the movement of sunset.

Question 4:- Do older adults enjoy spending time near the sea?

To be frank, they both like to spend hear this see outstanding experience to individuals who have to relieve their trust and also helps to daydream Ocean helps to release stress make us A peaceful mind.

Question 5:- Is it popular to go to the seaside in your country?

Yes, of course, our country is blessed with 14 or as well as and 24 lotions, so it is easy to go seaside and enjoy every activity with families and friends.

Question 6:- What are the advantages and disadvantages of spending time near the sea?

Pros and cons an in painting time in seashore the primary advantages of painting time in near the sea is a peaceful mind and also helps to release our stress and enjoy the moment, and the drawback is that the time is that roaming drawback is that a lot of time loves much time while being spending near the sea.

Question 7:- Do you think that human activities are posing a threat to the oceans of the world?

Sometimes it makes threats to the Ocean because some people are put the paste in the Ocean so it especially in the case of plastic, it badly affects the ocean creature and makes them to death.

Question 8:- Do you think it’s important for children to learn how to swim?

The opinion that I don’t want to learn swimming because it is not for our self it is also for others if when the person who has not known swimming or had an accident in Ocean the patient dare to help the person so in my opinion that children should learn how to swim.

Question 9:- Do you think that it is important to learn about the oceans and why?

Other many categories to learn Ocean The we all know that portion is double the plant so we should know about the Ocean and what are the creatures in the Ocean how the Ocean is changing the behaviour like that things so we should learn the Ocean and love them

Question 10:- Do you think environmental problems can affect the oceans?

Yes, of course, there are many environmental problems that affect the ocean deforestation the main problem affected Tu ocean in Olden times there are many trees planted near the sea and helps to prevent high wave in the Ocean because of deforestation we can face many ocean issues like Tsunami.

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Also read: Talk About a Piece of Equipment You Use at Home

About Manpreet Singh 564 Articles
Heyyy.... I am Manpreet an accomplished IELTS instructor with a comprehensive background in English language teaching. I completed my studies in English Language and Literature from the University of DAV College.Over the past eight years, I have dedicated myself to teaching IELTS to students from various cultural and educational backgrounds, focusing on enhancing their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. I you want to achieve your dream IELTS score is the best destination.

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