Talk about a Decision Made by Someone but You Disagreed

Talk about a Decision Made by Someone but You Disagreed

Talk about a decision made by someone, but you disagreed

You should say:

  • What was the decision?
  • How was it made?
  • What you disagreed with?
  • And explain why you disagreed with it?

Sample Answer of Talk about a Decision Made by Someone but You Disagreed

well, in my life, many times, I disagreed with the decisions taken by others that belong to my life, and I clearly denied accepting those decisions. Here I would like to talk about a decision that I denied, and most of my relatives won’t want me to do that. I remember I was in 10th standard. I just passed my exam, and the result was declared. Then it was the time to choose the stream for my further studies like they were three options for me arts commerce and science well from initial schooling, I had a great interest in mathematics and logical thinking subjects despite science I even I don’t have any interest in science and arts stream because I was not able to “these things very quickly like the dates in arts stream and the laws and the like behind Logix of physics and chemistry I was totally zero in that so anyhow in 10th standard I cry and the things and passed out so during this decision.

I was totally clear that I had to go for commerce tree but and in my parents also agreed with me however most of my relatives wanted me to join science stream because that time I Scored 85% in 10th standard so most of the relatives wanted me to go for science stream because of good marks even though their siblings also belongs from science stream also so they all don’t wanted me to go for another stream apart from science although My parents were on my side they influence them convinced them to ask me to change history then after a week after consulting a week I clearly denied everyone that I don’t want to go with science stream because of lack of interest So I clearly stated everyone that I will definitely go for commerce stream despite of anyone’s decision so at that time I joined science stream commerce stream and then I scored 92% in 12th standard from Commerce and today I am accountancy teacher so I feel very proud of my decision since everyone wanted me I wanted something else from but nowadays I think I made a wise decision which makes makes my life and provide me a better career.

Follow-ups Talk about a Decision Made by Someone, but You Disagreed

Question 1:- What skills are necessary when making decisions?

Answer – While making effective decisions, I believe many skills are required for an indication, such as active mind knowledge initiative, intuition perception, etc. After these skills, a person can have an effective and efficient decision. In addition to this, good leadership quality time management skills are also required.

Question 2:- How do you think computers will change the way people make decisions?

Answer – See computers are more reliable, accurate and accountable as compare to human beings the decision making the quality of computers is far quicker than human beings, so I believe computers make decision making very quick Appropriate and reliable as compared to past

Question 3:- How can people improve their decision-making skills?

Answer – There could be many possible ways by which a person can improve their decision-making. First of all, I think there are many exercises in yoga and meditation through which one can increase their concentration power and good decision-making power. Another thing is foresighted. A human being must be foresighted so that he can evaluate the pros and cons of different situations and make his perfect decision. Apart from this involvement in team games being more socialise reading more and involvement in extracurricular activities is also important.

Question 4:- Do parents in India allow their children to make important decisions about the future?

Answer – traditionally all important decisions of children’s life in on which his future totally dependent is taken by parents phone, but nowadays there are transformed, and children decide their own future like after schooling it is clearly mentioned by the parents that whatever children’s interest is he or she can pursue that I think this is a positive development it helps to get profession for children in the field in which they have a great interest by this they could have better future and even can on more

Question 5:- Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children?

Answer – well the participation of parents and children’s are equally important to make important decisions like some decisions required experience and many skills which children can’t possess at an early stage so in that at that place parents should take such decisions on the other side some decisions required the acceptance of children for example decisions regarding their career here parent should not put all their decisions on children without consulting with them, so I think both the collaboration of both parents and children is important for making decisions

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About Pardeep Singh 213 Articles
I am Pardeep,With over a decade of experience under my belt, I've sculpted a niche in the IELTS realm, guiding a myriad of students across the globe to achieve their dream My teaching approach transcends conventional boundaries by incorporating the latest technology, interactive sessions and individualized strategies that are geared towards the various ways of learning that my students.

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