Some People Say that Schools Do Not Make Enough Efforts

Some People Say that Schools Do Not Make Enough Efforts

Some people say that schools do not make enough efforts to teach young people to look after their health and they add that schools should take health education more seriously. Do you agree or disagree?

Health is essential for every person as a slogan tells Health is wealth. Some people think schools do not take many steps to inculcate the students about their health, and they want educational institutions to stress fitness significantly. Others think nowadays schools already providing fitness education.

Needless to say, Nowadays, schools already design the curriculum in that way in which it covers maximum content of health. As teachers inculcate them to wash their hands before and after eating as well as keep themselves neat and clean in the initial stage. To cite an example, In today’s school, mentors instruct pupils about basic etiquette in their playschools.

Furthermore, Tutors conduct healthy cooking competitions between students so that they get to know how to cook hygienic food with a lot of taste. Even now, educators make a weekly lunch menu for students so that they start eating every kind of fruit and vegetable. On top of it, In this present era, Schools conduct fitness freak contests and provide some extra classes to keep them fit. Through this, children learn the benefits of sports, physical activities while playing.

On the other hand, People have a divergent notion about this, like schools only pretend that they provide classes about health, but in reality, they just keep money from parents and fill their pockets. Moreover, sometimes schools do not have a proper instructor for fitness classes then they hire an unprofessional teacher who does not have knowledge about health education.

Overall, According to some individuals, institutions do not provide fitness classes; in my opinion, Nowadays schools conduct several kinds of seminars about health education and teach students from their initial stage.

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About Pardeep Singh 213 Articles
I am Pardeep,With over a decade of experience under my belt, I've sculpted a niche in the IELTS realm, guiding a myriad of students across the globe to achieve their dream My teaching approach transcends conventional boundaries by incorporating the latest technology, interactive sessions and individualized strategies that are geared towards the various ways of learning that my students.

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