Island Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers

Island Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers

Island Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

island Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers

Question 1. Have you ever been to any island?

Answer – Yes, in the recent past, I had been to Malaysia Malaysia is a country full of violence, and the weather is beautiful there also my life is beautiful. I got an opportunity to experience it was an excellent experience Islands.

Question 2. Are there any islands in your country?

Answer – Not really, but Goa has kind of island beauty and user experience of being on an island, and international tourists would like to visit koa especially in summers because it has its own beauty and out it’s an amazing experience and visit in that weather

Question 3. Do you want to live on an island?

Answer – I’m a city person to be very frank, and though I would like to have a bustling life so get an opportunity if it is a short stay awake I will say if it is a short vacation I would prefer to spend that time on the island by not for a long time.

Question 4. Do you drive often?

Answer – I am a big fan of driving. I love driving, and I come to my office every day in my car, and he will be for me to go on vacation maybe you know a short vacation and spend time with family is from Ajv from the city I always use my card for

Question 5. Do you want your children to drive in future?

Answer – absolutely I would say driving as much for anyone and everyone to like to survive especially Area where there are no public transport facilities so in that is it forces really quick with the driving skills he was sick and do not face any challenge not really so I buy for myself and my family and

Question 6. Do you have a driver’s licence?

Answer – I know it’s a personal license, but I do not have a license to run Lotties or drugstore license, and I do not have

Question 7. At what age are people allowed to drive in your country?

Answer – well, most of the countries allow what the countries are allowed adolescence I mean, if children turn 18 but especially in India, they turn 21 there not allowed to drive independently.

Question 8. Do you think it’s difficult to drive a car?

Answer – what do you learn any new skills? It sounds to be difficult, but as in when you practice if you feel comfortable with it so obviously for the new learners it’s going to be difficult but hasn’t my new practice and Veena and then into the piece of cake for you.

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About Pardeep Singh 213 Articles
I am Pardeep,With over a decade of experience under my belt, I've sculpted a niche in the IELTS realm, guiding a myriad of students across the globe to achieve their dream My teaching approach transcends conventional boundaries by incorporating the latest technology, interactive sessions and individualized strategies that are geared towards the various ways of learning that my students.

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