Describe a Time You Needed to Use Imagination

Describe a Time You Needed to Use Imagination

Describe a time you needed to use imagination. You should say

what was the situation?
why did you need to use imagination?
what were the difficulties?
and explain how you felt about it?

Now a day’s people had enormous chances to elaborate their imaginations in contemporary ways. Sometimes it may provide a positive result or vice versa. Today I would like to talk about one such situation it happened during my post-graduation examination time.

I was not at all good at statistic paper at that time. After completing the third-semester examination, I have arrears in statistics paper. For the final year examination, I worked a lot and pray to god for the good. But things were different, when I entered the examination hall I felt pathetic, and I thought it may not be good at that time. When exams start, I cannot express my emotions at that time.

I felt I was washed out. Fortunately, I need to complete my examination within the time limit and I planned to express my imagination with my answers. The only point at that time in my mind was to answer all the questions within three hours. Initially, it was pretty difficult for me, after gaining confidence with a short time span I wrote my examination with imagination. Even my friends were also surprised by what was I wrote in my papers. Apparently, I completed my examination within time limits, and by god’s grace, I got sixty percentage on the very paper.

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Part 3 Follow-Ups Describe a Time You Needed to Use Imagination

Question 1:- Do you think adults can have lots of imagination?

Of course, In my opinion, they are well experienced and they had the ability to imagine things compare with youngsters. From their experience, they learned several things and in order to follow that they try to imagine things.

Question 2:- Do you think imagination is necessary for scientists?

Definitely. Imagination had a vital role in the field of science. Scientists are always busy with certain calculations and findings. Skills like imagination help them to invent several things in their career.

Question 3:- What kind of jobs need imagination?

In my opinion, jobs like policemen, advocates, doctors and scientists need imagination in their relevant fields. Because imagination helps them to analyze things and reach appropriate conclusions.

Question 4:- What subjects are helpful for people’s imagination?

In my words, there are no certain subjects to help people with their imaginations. It depends upon their imagination skills and creativity. People are obsessed with certain topics like arts, sports, and movies. So most of their imaginations interconnected with these topics.

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About Manpreet Singh 564 Articles
Heyyy.... I am Manpreet an accomplished IELTS instructor with a comprehensive background in English language teaching. I completed my studies in English Language and Literature from the University of DAV College.Over the past eight years, I have dedicated myself to teaching IELTS to students from various cultural and educational backgrounds, focusing on enhancing their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. I you want to achieve your dream IELTS score is the best destination.

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