You Are Planning a Week-Long Vacation, and You Need Someone to Take Care of Your House while You Are Away

You Are Planning a Week-Long Vacation, and You Need Someone

You are planning a week-long vacation, and you need someone to take care of your house while you are away. Please write a letter to your neighbour and tell them that you are going away. In your letter, you should:

  • Ask them to take care of your house
  • Explain why you will be away

Dear Mr and Mrs Raymond.

This is to notify you of my planning to go on holiday to Morocco for a period of one week starting from next week Friday.

I would appreciate your efforts in taking care of my apartment for me while I am away however, my puppy will stay back and I have a set of fowls inside their cage. Someone who is closer to me in this estate is needed to look after the house for me so as to help me take good care of the house and some other things while I am away.

Unlike the usual holidays, I have an assignment to carry out in River State which will take me a week. The management of my company has chosen five of us from the organization to go for research on some issues that require urgent solutions. However, I can’t maintain the affair of the house once I am not around.

I count on you for this great gesture meanwhile, I look forward to seeing your reply

Yours sincerely,

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About Pardeep Singh 213 Articles
I am Pardeep,With over a decade of experience under my belt, I've sculpted a niche in the IELTS realm, guiding a myriad of students across the globe to achieve their dream My teaching approach transcends conventional boundaries by incorporating the latest technology, interactive sessions and individualized strategies that are geared towards the various ways of learning that my students.

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