Talk about an Article on Health that You Read from a Magazine or Online (3) (1)

Talk about an Article on Health that You Read from a Magazine or Online

Talk about an Article on Health that You Read from a Magazine or Online

You should say:

  • What was the article?
  • When and where did you read it?
  • What did you learn from the article?
  • Explain why you think it is a good or bad article?

Sample Answer of Talk about an Article on Health that You Read from a Magazine or Online

Recently I came across the article about a car accident on the highway. It was mentioned in that article that the people were inside the car were drunk, and the person driving was driving very fast that he couldn’t control the car, and it hit on the barricade. this is how and the major accident happened there. Later the family members of the victims said they didn’t drink. It was a rush drive from them that caused the accident. But Media mentioned this as a drunk and drove instead of rash driving. Because of this information, family members were very stressed. I felt this article was a bad article instead of telling the truth to everyone in society’s formation. By reading this article, I earned one thing that doesn’t believe what they write.

Follow-ups Talk about an Article on Health that You Read from a Magazine or Online.

Question 1 Why is it that different people want to see different magazines?

Answer – As I mentioned earlier every individual having different reading habits for some people they like to read about politics and read about the real incidents happening around them on the other hand some people like to read the news Sports News, so it’s differs from the individual point of view

Question 2 What type of magazines do teens prefer to read?

Answer – nowadays, many teenagers like to read news cinema or entertainment news, and they give more importance to this particular segment in the magazine.

Question 3 What is the distinction between information on TV and information in magazines?

Answer –  well the information on the TV could be seen only one but the magazine it will be with us so we can read the information completely.

Question 4 Do folks like to read the information on the World Wide Web?

Answer – in today’s world, we have a smartphone, so everyone likes to read the information very instantly. For this, they prefer to read it on the internet rather than waiting for a magazine.

Question 5 Do people still purchase magazines in your own country?

Answer – NO. 20 years before everyone prefers to buy the magazine to read the complete information about the whole week. But today, due to smartphones, no one waits for a week to know information; instead, they read it immediately.

Question 6 Do you feel people now are healthier than people previously?

Answer – not exactly. In the olden day’s people were much healthier than the people today. 50 years before, no one heard the many diseases name that we hear today. This is because of our food habits and sleeping habits. I would strongly say that the previous generation of our age is healthier than us.

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Also, Read Describe the Stage/Part of Your Life that You Enjoyed the Most

About Pardeep Singh 213 Articles
I am Pardeep,With over a decade of experience under my belt, I've sculpted a niche in the IELTS realm, guiding a myriad of students across the globe to achieve their dream My teaching approach transcends conventional boundaries by incorporating the latest technology, interactive sessions and individualized strategies that are geared towards the various ways of learning that my students.

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