Talk About a Piece of Equipment You Use at Home (5) (1)

Talk About a Piece of Equipment You Use at Home

Talk about a piece of equipment you use at home. Please say

  • What is it?
  • When and where did you buy it?
  • How often do you or your family members use it?
  • And explain why you think it is useful.

In the present era, due to modernization, the importance of the piece of equipment which used at home. Equipment plays an essential role in every house. There are a lot of equipment pieces such as washing machines, mobile phones, air conditioners, and many others. But here I would like to talk about my own laptop.

It is an integral part of my life because I have done all my studies on the laptop. It is an apple laptop which is in black color. There is a plethora. Features such as web camera, software as well as I make a presentation related to my education. Next, when I was in 12th standard, my father gave me a birthday gift which was bought from the hall gate market at Amritsar.

Moreover, my sibling and I used this device for study material, entertaining purposes, editing videos. Finally, I feel that it is very useful in COVID 19 situations. All schools and colleges were closed, and every student attended online classes from various applications such as goggle meet and zoom.

Part 3 Questions Talk About a Piece of Equipment You Use at Home

Question 1:- What other useful equipment do you have and use at home?

There is a lot of useful equipment in homes such as juicer machines, automatic washing machines, air conditioners, laptops, and many more because it is a very convenient method for doing the complete task in few seconds as well as it consumes time money.

Question 2:- Do you think the younger generation is more comfortable with modern equipment than older people? Why?

Yes, I believe that the new generation is more comfortable with modern equipment than older people as they want not to do hardworking jobs, but older people like to do hardworking jobs.

Question 3:- Nowadays, many factories use automatic machines and equipment instead of manual labor.

Definitely, today’s time work of industries uses automatic machine and important of manner labor as automatic machine do work very fast as well as clean but one demerit of automatic machines which is the unemployment rate is gradually increasing.

Question 4:- Do you believe that robots will replace people in the near future?

Yes, I personally believe that robots replace people in m near future as the upcoming generation is fully dependent on machines and they do not want to do hard working jobs, as well as they want every work in few seconds.

Question 5:- Where will people be replaced by robots completely, in your opinion?

According to my perspective, when masse fully dependent on advancement which shows laziness, not in discipline as well as they do not understand their responsibilities.

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About Manpreet Singh 564 Articles
Heyyy.... I am Manpreet an accomplished IELTS instructor with a comprehensive background in English language teaching. I completed my studies in English Language and Literature from the University of DAV College.Over the past eight years, I have dedicated myself to teaching IELTS to students from various cultural and educational backgrounds, focusing on enhancing their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. I you want to achieve your dream IELTS score is the best destination.

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