Some people think that cooking is an important skill for young people to learn

Some People Think that Cooking Is an Important Skill for Young

Some people think that cooking is an important skill for young people to learn. Others believe that it is better for people to learn how to cook after they become adults. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Having culinary skill is a great boon for youngsters it is argued that it is indispensable for young minds to learn; while others think it is beneficial for people to acquire when they become adult I think adulthood and teenage both are considered best to learn a cooking skill but it can give good results when it is learnt after turning a young mind into matured personality.

At the is believed that cooking skill is important for youngsters to learn because it is considered good to kill time as well as young minds don’t depend on others for preparing food and they can make it on their own. This thing will make them more responsible and it will help in breaking social chains as preparing food is considered only the job of females so it will remove gender discrimination. Besides, young brains can make food in hygienic conditions and satisfy their taste buds by making delicious food. For instance, during the lockdown in 2020 many youngsters made a variety of dishes and uploaded them on social sites. Thus they got great applause and understood the value of devoting time to make food. In addition, youngsters get to know more about the importance of food and they will avoid throwing food here and there and there because they know well how much labour they have done to make it.

On the other hand, It can be best learnt when youngsters become adults as they are fully aware of precautions that they need to take while cooking as well as they can escape themselves from burning and if they find any mishappening; then, they can handle well. Furthermore, they can also build their career as a chef so it is a great source to earn bread and butter and they can do side business by running their own cooking classes and teach this skill to others. So it is a lucrative offer for them to take part in cooking competitions. Thus they get name and fame. For instance, MasterChef has made the life of billion people and by participating in these, people get popularity. So it is beneficial to learn after turning into adult age.

In conclusion, so acquiring cooking skills can be beneficial for youngsters as they kill their time and remain independent. Simultaneously, if it is learnt after adulthood, then they can reap the benefits more as it will help them in earning handsome income and they are fully aware of hazards that they can bring due to their negligence while doing cooking.

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About Pardeep Singh 213 Articles
I am Pardeep,With over a decade of experience under my belt, I've sculpted a niche in the IELTS realm, guiding a myriad of students across the globe to achieve their dream My teaching approach transcends conventional boundaries by incorporating the latest technology, interactive sessions and individualized strategies that are geared towards the various ways of learning that my students.

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