Describe a Quiet Place You Like to Spend Your Time In (6) (1)

Describe a Quiet Place You Like to Spend Your Time In

Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in; You should say

  • Where is it?
  • How did you know it?
  • How often do you go there?
  • What do you do there?
  • And explain why you like the place?

It’s essential and mandatory to set aside some time for ourselves to unwind the seeds which are accumulated in our busy times, and also it’s really a turbulent task to find a place which is meant for peace and realization, especially in the city areas. However, I have one place which I spend most of my time chilling out. It is my farm. It is located in the outskirts of my city, the distance between my home and farm is hardly 20 km, so it’s not very far and thus easier for me to go there very often.

My farm is spread across an area of 200 sq. meters and is in the backdrop of picturesque hills and luscious valleys. I make a point to visit my farm every weekend. I feel at ease, and the swing on my farm is my favorite relaxation point. It has a lot of mangoes and trees, so whenever I go there, I help my father with farming, pick up fruits, store and pack them up. I am really fond of my farm for an array of reasons. Firstly it is surrounded by verdant landscapes and in the midst of the idyllic countryside. Secondly, the peace, pleasant and cool atmosphere all together make it the best place to relax and rejuvenate.

Moreover, since my farm is located outside of the city, the sky is clear, and the breeze is cool and swift. We can enjoy the blissful sunrise and sunset. I feel recharged, and it’s really provided me a tranquil feeling with a serene atmosphere.

Follow-Ups Describe a Quiet Place You Like to Spend Your Time In

Question 1:- Is it hard to find quiet places in cities?

Absolutely, it’s quite a Hercules task to find serene atmospheres in the midst of noise polluted cities. So it really needs to move on to the countryside to locates such sports.

Question 2:- Why is it quieter in the countryside?

Well, it’s definitely because of the greenery, and the people who live in the countryside are really into farming. So they don’t need any sophisticated technologies of transportation and skyscrapers for agriculture. Lack of these make the countryside more subtle and silent

Question 3:- Why do people go to quiet places?

I would say people choose silent places to unwind their accumulated stress moreover living in the city sometimes make people’s ears bleed because of the noise pollution. So moving on to the silent sport gives them a kind of relief and healing.

Question 4:- Compared with young people, do old people prefer to live in quiet places?

Yes …..due to the aging process, old people always would like to spend the rest of their life in the amidst of serene atmosphere it’s might be because of the strike of boredom into the city life, and also surroundings surrounded by greenery make them heal inner and outside. At their final stage of aging,, they don’t require to do anything for their families, so it’s mostly spending time for themselves. For instance, that’s why after retirement, most old couple revisiting their honeymoon place and sometimes move to the countryside.

Question 5:- Why do some people not like quiet places?

.Its might be because these peoples are really into sound and frolic activities. They can’t even sit down silently for a minute. So these kinds of characteristics people always prefer city life over the countryside

Question 6:- Do you need a quiet place when you are working?

Yes, absolutely, but my job is really surrounded by noise because I am working in the labor room. So noise is an unavoidable factor while working in the labor room. But I really appreciate that.

Question 7:- Why do people like to spend time in quiet places?

As I said earlier, it’s more of spending time for themselves whenever they are encountered with any stress or feel like to should be alone. All these circumstances quit place is preferable to every one

Question 8:- Do you know anyone who likes noise?

Absolutely, my nice both of them like noises and they always make some weird noises I don’t where is that coming from, but it’s too horrible while hearing we feel our ears are deafening and they are always not satisfied with the television volume. They always needs more sound sometimes, and it’s driving me crazy.

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About Manpreet Singh 564 Articles
Heyyy.... I am Manpreet an accomplished IELTS instructor with a comprehensive background in English language teaching. I completed my studies in English Language and Literature from the University of DAV College.Over the past eight years, I have dedicated myself to teaching IELTS to students from various cultural and educational backgrounds, focusing on enhancing their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. I you want to achieve your dream IELTS score is the best destination.

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