Describe a Person Who Likes to Travel by Plane

Describe a Person Who Likes to Travel by Plane

Describe a person who likes to travel by plane: You should say:

  • Who this person is?
  • How do you know this person?
  • Where this person travels to?
  • Explain why this person likes to travel by plane?

Sample Answer of Describe a Person Who Likes to Travel by Plane

Travelling through the plane is always a great thing to do, and I think once in our life everyone travels in-plane as I know this person who loves to travel especially in the plane. Wherever he goes, he prefers to go on the plane and save time. That person is my best friend, Danish. He always likes to travel by plane because its time saving and he can afford to travel in a plane. While he travels interstate, then he takes domestic flights. He used to travel once a month because he is a businessman, so he travels a lot. Like last month he took a flight from Amritsar to Delhi, and after a few days, he went to the surat from Delhi to get his work done. He loves to travel because he likes to discover new places, so that is why he prefers planes because travelling on a plane is always a time-consuming thing.

Follow ups Describe a Person Who Likes to Travel by Plane

Question 1:- Which are the benefits and drawbacks of travelling by plane?

Answer – Travelling through the plane is easy and convenient. It is a time-consuming thing and but it also has a drawback that not everyone can afford to travel by plane because it is quite expensive.

Question 2:- Is it great to live nearby an airport?

Answer – I think it is not a great thing to live near an airport because the airport seem to be busy all day and night and there is always the noise of flights, and people cannot sleep properly. So I think it is not a good idea to live near the airport.

Question 3:- Do Indian people love to travel by plane?

Answer – Indian people love to travel, but according to their mood, some people like travel on their own vehicle and some through train only high-class people love to travel by plane.

Question 4:- What types of transportation do people choose when they go on a long trip?

Answer – People of Indian choose different types of mode for travelling if they covered short distance then they travel on their vehicle. But if they cover long distances, then they prefer train or plane. Like last month when I was travelling to goa, then I preferred to take flight because I was covered a lot of distance, so I had to take a flight.

Question 5:- Would you prefer to travel in your own car in the future?

Answer – Yes, I love to travel in my own car because travelling in my own vehicle is always flexible for me. I can go wherever and whenever I want, and I also love to drive, so it is very convenient for me. I remember in the past I went to Chandigarh and in the night there was a change in the plan, and my friends told me that let’s go the upper hills, and then we go to Shimla.

Question 6:- What sorts of people travel by aeroplane in India?

Answer – I think only high-class people in India afford to travel by plane because it is an expensive thing and middle-class people cannot afford to travel by plane.

Question 7:- Are you pleased with the service on the plane in India?

Answer – Yes, I think it is a good service for the people of India. People can travel easily wherever they want. If someone visits somewhere urgently, then the plane is the first recommended. Like last month my father wants to travel urgently from Amritsar to Delhi because of their work, so I recommend him to travel by plane because it takes on 40-45 minutes to reach the destination.

Question 8:- Why do some people just dislike aviation?

Answer – Most people are scared form heights, and they do not want to travel on the plane like my mother. She was scared a lot from the heights, so that is why she hated aviation.

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About Manpreet Singh 564 Articles
Heyyy.... I am Manpreet an accomplished IELTS instructor with a comprehensive background in English language teaching. I completed my studies in English Language and Literature from the University of DAV College.Over the past eight years, I have dedicated myself to teaching IELTS to students from various cultural and educational backgrounds, focusing on enhancing their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. I you want to achieve your dream IELTS score is the best destination.

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