Describe a Good Law in Your Country (3) (1)

Describe a Good Law in Your Country

Describe a Good Law in Your Country

You should say

  • What is the law
  • How you came to know about this law
  • Whom does it affect
  • Why is it good

Sample Answer of Describe a Good Law in Your Country

Well, laws are made to maintain law and order in society so that people can control illegal activities and live freely without fear. So, here I would like to speak about a law that I learned from one of my friends. It regarded the POSH act. This law was made in 2013, and it was enacted to prevent and protect women against workplace harassment. I think it’s good law for the protection of women, and it gives direct control over the abominable activities of the employers and their male- counterparts. Because, before doing anything, the male gender will think twice, and they have harsh punishment for teasing and physically harass women. I must say here that women, before enacting this law, felt insecure at the workplace. Sometimes, women do work round-the-clock. They have night shift as well as day shift. At night, they completely feel insecure, and many women quit their job due to exploitation at the workplace. So despite having a good attitude and the qualification, women are reluctant to do any job in a company. Now, with the availability of the law, they feel safe and secure. They can file a complaint against the injustice done to them, and definitely, the culprit will get heavy punishment for doing wrong. I think this law is very beneficial for females. Women have a chance to complain to a local committee or internal committee that the employer and this committee make will address the degree of harassment. There is no escape from getting any punishment. This kind of law is very successful in metropolitan cities, where most women work, and male counterparts and employers will remain under pressure to provide a hospitable and convenient ambience. So this is a law that I really admire.

Follow-ups Describe a Good Law in Your Country


Question 1 Do You Believe this Law is Favorable to the Nation?

Answer – Yes, this is very favourable to the nation because nowadays, due to cut-throat competition, both the gender male and females work under stressful conditions. So, if there is a law like the posh act; then, women feel more safe and secure, and they can work at any time, either at night or in the day. They will have the same liberty as their male counterparts.

Question 2 Is There any Circumstance Wherein People May Violate the Law?

Answer – Yes, many times, people can oppose if the law violates their basic rights, and the recent example can be seen in the case of farmers. The government has made three bills that the farmers do not accept because they consider that they can ruin them. So, in certain circumstances, people can disobey the law.

Question 3 Do People Like Civil Servant Officers in Your Country?

Answer – Yes, people have great respect for the bureaucrats in their country because they know that these people are knowledgeable. They make policies for the higher authorities for the smooth running of their country. They are respected more because they are among the common people who do hard work and attain respectable jobs.

Question 4 What Qualities should a Civil Servant Have?

Answer – Well, a civil servant must be an honest and dedicated person. He must ensure that people get justice and live in a safe and secure ambience, and have no trouble in their areas. Moreover, they should try to change this phrase justice delay means justice denied.

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About Pardeep Singh 213 Articles
I am Pardeep,With over a decade of experience under my belt, I've sculpted a niche in the IELTS realm, guiding a myriad of students across the globe to achieve their dream My teaching approach transcends conventional boundaries by incorporating the latest technology, interactive sessions and individualized strategies that are geared towards the various ways of learning that my students.

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