As Transport and Accommodation Problems Are Increasing in Many Cities, Some Governments Are Encouraging Businesses to Move to Rural Areas

As Transport and Accommodation Problems Are Increasing

As transport and accommodation problems are increasing in many cities, some governments are encouraging businesses to move to rural areas. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Due to growing issues of conveyance and housing in metropolitan areas, some administrations are supporting shifting the large companies to countryside areas. While it may be beneficial for overcrowded cities to some extent, I firmly believe that the demerits of this relocation would be far more than its merits. Let us discuss it in detail in subsequent paragraphs.

On one hand, there are advantages of moving the businesses from large cities to rural areas. First and foremost, shifting people working in large companies from metropolitan cities will reduce the burden on the resources of cities. To explain, with relocating business from urban to rural areas, fewer people will be living in cities and there will be less strain on services of health, banking and public transportation. In addition, accommodation will also be affordable as there will be fewer people to purchase or rent housing facilities.

Further, moving the business companies from cities to remote areas will provide more job opportunities to people living there. To clarify, most the people living in rural areas migrate to urban areas due to shortage of jobs at their place and relocating businesses to rural areas will result in more work opportunities for them near to their homes. This would cut their cost of travelling and accommodation while working in cities, which could result in money savings for their future. For example, Mr Benjamin Bradlee, editor–in–chief of ‘The Washington Post’ in his article on “Impact of relocating business on work opportunities” revealed that work opportunities in rural areas has increased by 15% in past ten years due to the shifting of major businesses to countryside areas.

Apart from the merits, relocating large companies to remote areas could result in some notable disadvantages. Primarily, the movement of business from urban to rural areas will lead to an increase in pollution in the otherwise clean environment of remote areas. To substantiate, people living in urban areas would need to travel for work in rural areas and this would lead to increase in air pollution. Also, more trees will be cut down to make housing facilities for a growing number of people and this would affect the natural habitat of various other species.

Additionally, shifting business from cities to village areas could be less profitable to the companies. To elaborate, most of the customers, suppliers and business partners of large companies resides in urban areas and due to farther distances of rural areas they may lose their profitability. Also non-availability of faster transport facilities such as aeroplanes and trains in rural areas furthers affects their businesses. According to survey conducted by International Monetary Fund in Australia in 2012, on 20 big companies which relocated their business from cities to rural areas showed that about 40% of them revealed that their profits have reduced by 10% in last 5 years mainly due to longer duration of time taken to distribute their goods in urban areas which are far away from their production sites in rural areas.

In my opinion, I assert that the negative impacts of moving the businesses from megacities to rural areas are more than its positive outcomes. To clarify, I believe so because shifting large companies to rural areas would lead to overcrowding there and rural areas would not be able to fulfil the needs of housing, electricity and health facilities, of the growing population required to run the large companies. I think, providing better roads and public transportation facilities connecting cities to the villages, so that the workers can commute easily, would be a better solution to the problem of transportation and accommodation in cities.

To encapsulate, it can be concluded that although relocating business from cities to rural areas would assist in solving the problem of traffic and housing in urban areas due to overcrowding. However, it would result in various new set problems in village areas. In my opinion, idea of moving large business companies from cities to remote areas will not be beneficial.

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About Pardeep Singh 213 Articles
I am Pardeep,With over a decade of experience under my belt, I've sculpted a niche in the IELTS realm, guiding a myriad of students across the globe to achieve their dream My teaching approach transcends conventional boundaries by incorporating the latest technology, interactive sessions and individualized strategies that are geared towards the various ways of learning that my students.

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