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Many People Join Distance-learning Programmes

Many People Join Distance-learning Programmes (1)

Many people join distance-learning programmes (study material, post, TV, Internet) and study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the same benefit as attending colleges or universities does.

In a current technological boom, people have started to use the digital platform to study different career-enhancing programs and achieve their goals by mentioning them to their professional profiles. On the other hand, many people still prefer campus-based learning for their achievement.

Nowadays, education has become vital to every step in our career, and employers seek multiskilling people instead of a single course person to utilize the same manpower in many different tasks. Due to such ideology in the job market, employees and students have to pick multiple skill level courses rather than any single one, but this will create a financial burden to them as all courses contain a variety of subject modules to learn. Henceforth, digital platforms raise their level in the learning market as this manner is a cheaper way to learn and also, this provides the facility to learn from anywhere in the world. A person can select any university in the world by sitting at the desk or at home and gaining the same theoretical knowledge instead of attending the college or university classroom.

However, this education cannot be improvising self-confidence in an optimum manner, likewise in campus-based learning. In addition, consistency and surrounding environment also play major concerns to performing their studies at home. What is more, in the current competitive era, realistic, practical knowledge is more important than a theoretical one. Distance learning fails to give actual knowledge like as in campus students interaction are frequent, which enhance actual market level knowledge along with theoretical studies. The campus-based study improves the relationship between students and professors.

By balancing both the points, I pen down by saying that both views have their own advantages. However, I strongly prefer campus-based study to digital learning.

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