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The Line Graph Below Gives Information on Cinema Attendance in The UK: AC Writing Task 1

The Line Graph Below Gives Information on Cinema Attendance in The UK AC Writing Task 1

The line graph below gives information on cinema attendance in the UK. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information given.


The provided graph illustrates the data which rectify the Percentage of people who went to Theatre in the United Kingdom from the period 1990 to 2010.

Overall, the craze for watching movies has increased with time. Every age group of people are keen to stick to Theatre.

It is apparent that the age group of 44-54 are most eager to go to the movie hall. In 1990 38% of people went. In the next five years data raised steadily and reached 40%.although in 2000 a decline of% of people saw it returned to the Percentage was in 1990. But right after Percentage soared swiftly in half-decade and in next five year it reached above 50% which is the drastic increment. Meanwhile, people from 14-24 are in Stark contrast to elder ones. Only 5% of people were interested in going cinema in 1990. Slightly inclination of data is seen it reached to 6% in 1995 but in 2000 it plummets to 3%. However, data rose to 20% dramatically and remained stable till 2010 but slightly raised.

Furthermore, 24% age group of 24-34 watched a movie in 1990 it soared and reached 28% in 1995 but plummeted in 2000, which happened with every age group. Again it soared swiftly in 2005 and went to 33%. But in the next five years, it remained plateau. Besides, this age group of 34-55 Number were close to the age group of commenced from 37% in 1990 and went up slightly to 38% in 1995 then dropped to 32%.likewise it recovered to42% in 2000 and ended up to 45% in 2005.
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