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Many Working People Get Little or No Exercise with during the Working Day

Many Working People Get Little or No Exercise with during the Working Day

Many working people get little or no exercise during the working day or in their free time and have health problems as a result. Why do many working people not get enough exercise? What can be done about this problem?

Technology has changed the working patterns of humans, and nowadays the life is mostly dependent on machinery. It became too hectic as compared to the past when people complete their work by doing physical activities that help them to stay away from diseases. But now, automation replaced everything. Hence people are far from exercise that leads to various health issues.

At the outset, people are working hard to fulfil their personal and professional needs in the highly competitive and progressive era. They work overtime to meet their deadlines and leave with little time to do exercise. Moreover, the habit of watching television, mobile and playing games also add to this. So, a sedentary lifestyle has a negative impact on their lifestyle and leads to being surrounded by many diseases.

On the flip side, to counter this awareness about physical inactivity is necessary. Government should set guidelines for working patterns and make it mandatory for every company to spare some time to cope with workload and stress. Furthermore, companies should set up gyms and sports activities on their premises so that employees can access them in their free time. Apart from this, health seminars should be organized to acknowledge them about hygienic diet and better living.

To put it in a nutshell, exercise is an integral part of health and life. People get inadequate exercise because of their busy lifestyles. However, to tackle this, encouraging people to do exercise and indulge in leisure activities is a great technique to overcome and keep themselves fit and healthy in today’s scenario.

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