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Experts Say Older People Were Happier and Healthier in The Past

Experts Say Older People Were Happier and Healthier in The Past (3) (1)

Experts say older people were happier and healthier in the past because they did more exercise and spent more time with family and friends, whereas many now suffer from loneliness and health problems. What are the causes of this and what are some solutions?

Nowadays many old people suffer from loneliness and health problems but old days they are happier healthier reasons are exercise and quality time with family and friends. But now the problems are family members busy with their works, and on this days the food habit also changed so in this problems have solutions which I will explore in the following essay.

Now, these days many old people are alone because many people are busy with their work or they migrated to other places for employment, so many old people live alone, or they spend their time alone. So people must take care of their parents and try to spend more time parents and make get together with family and friends this will make old people happier. Give some knowledge about new types of equipment of entertainment such mobile, laptop, tab. So they get to entertain and, to an extent, solve the problem of loneliness.

All these days, food habits changed as well as many people use chemical ingredients also. So it will affect the people health especially old people so they must follow any food diet with the help of nutrients or joint any health club or gym for good health. For instance, people who all are like to eat fatty food should go to the gym or any health club because fat food may be the cause of any heart disease or cholesterol, but if they follow the workout, they can enjoy any kind of food.

To conclude, the people must arrange to spent time with old people with their grandchildren as well as relatives is help to overcome loneliness they should attend gymnasium or joint health club is help to keep a healthy life

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