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Describe a Person Who Helps Others in His or Her Spare Time

Describe a Person Who Helps Others in His or Her Spare Time (2) (1)

Describe a person who helps others in his or her spare time

Sample Answer of Describe a Person Who Helps Others in His or Her Spare Time

There are some people with a positive aura and always be ready to provide to others. However, in this time, that time of people can be found rare. Now I would like to talk about a person who is provided with help to others in a unique way in their spare time. Actually, he is a retired professor and lives near my town.

He opened the free coaching centre in the middle part of the city in his plot. He provided education free of cost to needy and poor students. This is really the great social service that serves others. If I talk about his personal traits, he is a soft-spoken person and generous as well.

Follow Ups of Describe a Person Who Helps Others in His or Her Spare Time

Question 1:- Do people nowadays help others more than in the past?

Answer:- I don’t think so we can divide helpful people into the two time period, but I can say that the way of helping others changed with time due to having different thinking of people.

Question 2:- Who should teach children to help others?

Answer:- Parents and teachers teach the lessons to children because they spend most of the time with children, such as teachers in the classroom and parents at home.

Question 3:- In what kind of professions do people help others more?

Answer:- People provided bits of help in numerous professions like nurses are one of the only fields which give take care to patients.

Question 4:- Why are some people willing to help others?

Answer:- Some people are willing because they are soft-hearted, and sometimes it is their behaviour.

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