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Accommodation IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer

Accommodation IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer (4) (1)

Accommodation IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Accommodation IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer

Question 1:- Do you live in a house or an apartment/flat?

Answer:- I live in a house with my family.

Question 2:- Can you describe the place where you live?

Answer:- I am currently living in a concrete house. It has three bedrooms, a hall, kitchen, toilet and bath and it is situated at a very serene place at the back of the town.

Question 3:- What do you like about living there? What do you like about your flat?

Answer:- I really like living there since there is everything that is needed in a house to make it comfortable for living in, such as a toilet and bath and most of it; I really love how quiet the place is. Making it very suitable for relaxation and even studying.

Question 4:- Which is your favourite room in your home? Why?

Answer:- I like my room, of course. It is where I spend most of my day. Since I have a television in there, I don’t have to be going to the hall to watch TV, so I am always inside my room doing all that I need to do, reading, playing games and even watching movies.

Question 5:- Which room does your family spend the most time in?

Answer:- My family spends most of the time in the hall because they watch television together over there and sit to chat over there too.

Question 6:- What can you see from the windows?

Answer:- Since the house is situated behind the town, it is mainly bushy, a little away from the window, and certainly, you would see bush outside the window.

Question 7:- Would you change anything about your home? Why/why not?

Answer:- Oh yes. I would like to extend the size of my room and make it a little big larger than now. I really like to do many kinds of stuff in the room and would really prefer a larger room.

Question 8:- Would you like to move to a different home in the future?

Answer:- Oh yes, for sure. I would like to stay away from my family in the future and live alone so I can do a lot of things on my own.

Question 9- What sort of accommodation would you most like to live in?

Answer:- I would like to be living in an apartment since it is very nice and furnished and people see it to be a house for the rich. I would also like to stay in such a house.

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